Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mrs. Buda's 3rd grade

On Friday I had the opportunity to spend an entire day in a 3rd grade classroom!  I was so excited I could hardly contain myself!  (I really miss teaching students each day.)  Mrs. Buda allowed me into her classroom at Park View Elementary School which is located in the Moorseville Graded School District.  Her students were wonderful!  I watched them as they used their macbooks to do their morning work, spelling test, multiplication test, create slides for their research project, and work with kindergartners to create slides about the weather.  It was amazing how excited and mature the students were with the macbooks.  They understood the responsibility and used the tools correctly.  I also had the opportunity to watch the students work at the Promethean Activ Table.  (I had never seen one of these in person before and now I want one!)  The students did a wonderful job collaborating together on the activities.  I had an amazing day! Thank you Mrs. Buda and her 3rd graders for allowing me to spend the day with you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you were able to come! I'm so glad that you didn't mind that I put you to work. Thanks again for all of your help!

