Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wilton Elementary School

On April 17, I traveled to Wilton Elementary School in Granville County.  I was again excited that I was going to spend another day with someone that I know!  The principal of Wilton is Lauren Allen who is in EPFP (Education Policy Fellowship Program) with me.  Once there Lauren gave me a tour of their school and then allowed me to participate in their Teaching Studies program.  This program happens 4 times a year and gives the teachers an opportunity to observe each other and then give feedback.  The day that I was there I worked with 2 different groups and observed 2 different teachers.  The group went in an observed a teacher for 15 minutes and then came back to the room.  The teacher that was being observed then came back to the room and was given feedback.  It was amazing how productive this was!  Everyone seemed to  really enjoy it.  I asked how they cover the classes for teachers to observe and I was told that everyone helps out.  Even the custodian.  I think this is a wonderful program.  I would love to observe teachers in my building and receive feedback!

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